What is Nutraceuticals

Nutraceuticals is derived from words “nutrients” and “pharmaceuticals”. The name was created in 1989 by Stephane DeFelice, founder and chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in medicine. It also used to describe any product derived from food sources that provide extra health benefits. The nutraceuticals can be called by that name if the products are of natural origins, contain beneficial health benefits, must pass a stability and toxicology analysis and chemical analysis and reproducible studies must be carried out for their bioactive properties

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Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a valuable spice that has so many health benefits. Modern scientists have found that organic compound cinnamaldehyde which includes in cinnamon is responsible for most of its benefits. These are some of examples for health benefits.

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Ceylon Cinnamon vs Cassia

Cinnamon is a spice which belongs to the Lauraceae family, which consists of shrub or tree spices with aromatic leaves. It is obtained from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree by drying the strips of the inner bark until they curl into rolls which are then identified as cinnamon sticks or quills.

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History of Ceylon Cinnamon

The history of Cinnamon goes way back dated in 2800 B.C as it was the first traded spice in the world. It has been stated that cinnamon was one of the motives for historical voyages by Christopher Colombus and Vasco De Gamma to Sri Lanka and South Africa.

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What is Cardamom and its Health Benefits?

Cardamom, a member of the ginger family, is a pod spice widely employed in Indian cuisine. It is available in various forms, including whole pods, shelled whole seeds, and ground powder. With its intricate flavour profile, cardamom is a versatile spice suitable for both sweet and Savory culinary creations. Beyond its culinary uses, it also offers a range of health benefits.

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What is Turmeric and its Health Benefits?

Turmeric is a golden orange spice that is obtained from the root of Curcuma longa. Once tasted turmeric gives a warm bitter taste and it is used in cooking for over hundreds of years. It’s used in ayurvedic and other forms of traditional medicine in China and India. Turmeric should not be confused with Javanese turmeric root or tree turmeric and don’t get confused with zedoary or goldenseal which are unrelated plants sometimes called turmeric.

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What is Ginger and its Health Benefits?

Ginger originated from a flowering plant that is found in Southeast Asia. It adds flavor to sweet and savory foods. It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family which is closely related to cardamom, turmeric, and galangal. The underground part (rhizome) of the plant is commonly used as a spice.

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What is Tamarind and its Health Benefits?

Tamarind is a tropical fruit native to Africa and is grown in the tamarind tree also known scientifically as Tamarindus indica. It also grows in tropical countries like India. It grows in bean like pods in which the fruit surrounds its seeds and as it ripens it becomes paste in texture and consists of a sweet-sourish flavor. Tamarind is used in medicine, cooking and can be used as a metal polish because its rich in tartaric acid.

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What is Bael Fruit and its Health Benefits?

Beal is a type of wood apple that goes by many names; Bilva in Sanskrit, Bilva Pazham in Tamil, Bilva or Maredu Phalam in Teluga and Bengal Quince native to India, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and South-East Asia. Its scientific name is Aegle marmelos.

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What is Lemongrass and its Health Benefits?

Beal is a type of wood apple that goes by many names; Bilva in Sanskrit, Bilva Pazham in Tamil, Bilva or Maredu Phalam in Teluga and Bengal Quince native to India, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and South-East Asia. Its scientific name is Aegle marmelos.

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What is Vanilla and its Health Benefits?

Vanilla belongs to family of tropical climbing orchids where the flavor is extracted from their pods. It is native to Mexico, Central America and northern South America. Vanilla is one of the most expensive spice in the world because of the fact that it is labor-intensive to produce. Today it is used in variety of sweet foods and beverages like chocolate, ice-cream, milk, bakery goods and perfumes.

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What is Green Tea and its Health Benefits?

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds. Green tea is originated in China, and since then it has spread to other countries in East Asia. We use Sri Lankan Green Teas.

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What is Black Tea and its Health Benefits?

Once tea is harvested, tea leaves go through a step-by-step process of wilting, bruising, rolling and oxidation in which the tea leaves are exposed to the air for a long time. When this occurs, the science is that the enzymes in the tea leaves break down the chemicals in the leaves to produce a brown color and familiar aroma in which forms the “Black” tea once it is served.

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What is Coffee and its Health Benefits?

Coffee is a popular beverage made from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of the Coffea plant. It is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, known for its stimulating effects and distinctive flavour.

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