What is Ginger and its benefits?

Ginger originated from a flowering plant that is found in Southeast Asia. It adds flavor to sweet and savory foods. It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family which is closely related to cardamom, turmeric, and galangal. The underground part (rhizome) of the plant is commonly used as a spice.

You can use ginger fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice.

Ginger has many health benefits,

  • Contains gingerol – Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger which is responsible for its medicinal properties. Since gingerol is rich with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, it helps to reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals. (Joe Leech, 2023).
  • May help with weight loss – Ginger helps to reduce weight and waist-hip ratio because of its potential to reduce inflammation. (Joe Leech, 2023).
  • Helps with osteoarthritis – Symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, Ginger can reduce these symptoms of osteoarthritis, especially osteoarthritis of the knee.
  • Lowers blood sugar and improve heart health – Ginger contains anti-diabetic properties taking ginger supplements reduce blood sugar level and HbA1c in people with type 2 diabetes. Due to its high antioxidant compounds, it reduces the high apolipoprotein B/ apolipoprotein A-1 ratio and malondialdehyde (MDA) which are factors for heart disease. (Joe Leech, 2023)
  • Reduce Menstrual pain – Studies suggested that ginger is more effective than acetaminophen/ caffeine/ ibuprofen in relieving menstrual pain.
  • Lower cholesterol levels – High LDL (bad) cholesterol leads to heart disease. Ginger consumption reduces triglycerides and LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol.
  • Help reduce cancer risk – Due to gingerol, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, it reduces the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and liver cancer. (Joe Leech, 2023)


Joe Leech, M., 2023. 11 Proven Health Benefits of Ginger. 16 5.

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