What is Lemongrass and its benefits?

Lemongrass has long leaves that are like seagrass. An estimated 100 species of lemongrass exist, which is native to Sri Lanka and South India. Lemongrass is also called Cymbopogon citratus. Today, it widely grows throughout Asia and tropical America. The most common name for lemongrass is Sera in Sri Lanka.

Lemongrasses consist of many health benefits,

  • Relieving Anxiety – Inhaling lemongrass essential oil helps to relieve stress and anxiety. (Rachel Nall, 2018)
  • Preventing infection – Lemongrass contains infection-preventing abilities, the herb can reduce the incidence of thrush, a fungal infection that commonly affects people with weakened immune systems, such as people with HIV. (Rachel Nall, 2018)
  • Boosts Oral Health – Chewing lemongrass stalks improves dental health and dental hygiene. Studies show lemongrass inhibits the growth of Streptococcus sanguinis bacteria which causes cavities. (Rachel Nall, 2018)
  • Relieving pain – Drinking lemongrass tea can help to prevent a person from sensing pain. (Rachel Nall, 2018)
  • Boosts red blood levels – lemongrass tea can increase hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, and red blood cell count in the body. Since lemongrass consists of antioxidants it boosts the formation of red blood cells. (Rachel Nall, 2018)
  • Relieving bloating – Lemongrass consists of diuretic effects, drinking lemongrass tea stimulates the kidneys to release more urine. It is beneficial in cases of water retention which leads to bloating. This is a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMD). (Rachel Nall, 2018)
  • Reduce cancer risk – The citral which is in lemon has anticancer abilities against some cancer cell lines. Lemongrass can cause cell death or boost the immune system to fight cancer on its own.
  • Help promote healthy digestion – Lemongrass leaves can protect the stomach lining against damage from aspirin and ethanol.


Rachel Nall, M. C., 2018. What are the Benefits of lemongrass tea? 24 10.

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