Health Benefits of Ceylon Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a valuable spice that has so many health benefits. Modern scientists have found that the organic compound cinnamaldehyde which is included in cinnamon is responsible for most of its benefits. These are some examples of health benefits.

  1. High Antioxidant levels.
    Antioxidants prevent oxidative damage. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols. Scientists have found that cinnamon supplementation reduces levels of markers used to measure inflammation, such as C-reactive protein. (Joe Leech, 2018)
  2. The anti-inflammatory Properties.
    Inflammation is responsible for repairing damaged tissue and responding to various infections. However, inflammation can be harmful if it becomes chronic. It may last for months or years and may lead to various health problems. Consuming cinnamon helps to reduce chronic inflammation due to its high antioxidant levels. (Joe Leech, 2018)
  3. Protect Against Heart Disease.
    Heart disease is the leading cause of death around the world. However, consuming ¾ cinnamon per day reduces levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and blood sugar in people with metabolic disease. Consuming cinnamon reduces blood pressure when consumed regularly. (Joe Leech, 2018)
  4. Improves sensitivity to insulin.
    Insulin is a key hormone that is responsible for regulating metabolism and energy use. It is also responsible for transporting blood sugar. However, some people are insulin resistant which causes metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Consuming cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity such that it lowers the blood sugar level and controls the levels of sugar in your blood. (Joe Leech, 2018)
  5. It has beneficial effects on neurodegenerative diseases.
    Neurodegenerative disease is the progressive loss or function of nerve cells. The two most common types of diseases are Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Consuming cinnamon inhibits the build-up of protein called tau in the brain which reduces the risk of these diseases. But these effects need to be studied further. (Joe Leech, 2018)
  6. Protection against cancer.
    Cinnamon has been used against cancer for its high potential against cancer. Cinnamon kills harmful cancer cells. Because of cinnamons’ antioxidant abilities, they may protect against DNA damage, cell mutation cancerous tumor growth.
    Cinnamon is being investigated as a natural cancer-fighting food because of its antioxidant abilities. (Dr. Josh Axe, 2022)
  7. Prevents bacterial and fungal infections.
    Cinnamaldehyde is the main organic compound which beneficial against various infections. Cinnamon oil kills fungi that cause respiratory tract infections. Cinnamon inhibits the growth of Listeria bacteria and Salmonella bacteria. And antimicrobial effects of cinnamon may also prevent tooth decay and bad breath.
  8. Prevents Candida.
    Candida albicans is a fungus that grows in the digestive tract. Candida overgrowth is responsible for most of the diseases that occur in the digestive tract. Cinnamon prevents the overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract. (Dr. Josh Axe, 2022)
  9. Improves Skin health.
    Cinnamon helps to protect the skin from irritation, rashes, allergic reactions infections. Applying cinnamon essential oil directly to your face is helpful for reducing inflammation, swelling, pain, and redness.

Dr. Josh Axe, D. D. C., 2022. 13 Major Cinnamon Benefits Explain Why it’s the World’s No. 1 Spice. 23 9.
Joe Leech, M., 2018. 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon. 5 7.

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